House to House began in 1994 with the idea of having churches of Christ throughout the world cooperating to seek and save the lost through direct mail. HTH is a bi-monthly publication that has grown to a circulation of nearly 3 million. It is distributed by over 1,100 congregations in 48 states and 8 foreign countries, and has been translated into four different languages. It has surpassed the circulation of the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Oprah Magazine, and the USA Today.

At Northern Oaks Church of Christ we are currently sending out over 1,000 copies to our local community.

House to House School of Evangelism – Starting in the Spring of 2018, House to House brought Rob Whitacre on board to focus on training the saved to teach the lost. His goal is to bring a school of evangelism to your local congregation and implement proven methods for church growth. His techniques are simple to learn, based on scriptural principles, and have a successful track record.

Hannah’s Handiwork – My name is Hannah Whitacre and welcome to Hannah’s Handiwork. My family and I work with House to House School of Evangelism. We work with three to four congregations each month as my dad conducts personal evangelism training seminars. Part of that work involves reaching out to our local community through the power of a card. In today’s world, it is becoming harder and harder to find cards that accurately represent Scripture and/or are custom made to your purpose. I am offering you an affordable custom card that has a Biblical message.